Smile Avenue Dubai > Our Treatments > Cosmetic Dentistry > Ceramic and Zircon Crowns

Metal-Free Crowns (Ceramic and Zircon Crowns)

When the natural structure of a tooth has been extensively damaged or compromised due to dental decay, damaged fillings, root canals, or habitual clenching or grinding of the teeth, a dental filling may not be adequate for its repair. In such cases, dental crowns, also commonly referred to as caps, can be placed to effectively restore the natural integrity, function and appearance of the affected tooth.

When the natural structure of a tooth has been extensively damaged or compromised due to dental decay, damaged fillings, root canals, or habitual clenching or grinding of the teeth, a dental filling may not be adequate for its repair. In such cases, dental crowns, also commonly referred to as caps, can be placed to effectively restore the natural integrity, function and appearance of the affected tooth.


Custom modeled for the optimal health and aesthetic of a patient’s smile, ceramic crowns can also be indicated for an array of dental treatments, ranging from the cosmetic restoration of discolored teeth, to the coverage of a structurally damaged tooth, dental implant, or as the supporting ends of a dental bridge.

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